Monday, March 9, 2020

Toe Cramps

  Ever had one or more of your toes start to cramp while walking or hiking?
This is often caused by overly enthusiastic “toe-off” during the gait cycle. “Pushing off” a bit too hard as one moves from one foot forward to the other when walking can stress a toe or toes, and start a cramp.
Try easing back on the force with which you use your toes to propel you as you walk. If you do get a cramp, take off your shoe, give your foot a rest, and massage the involved toe(s).
If the problem persists, I’ll be happy to check and adjust your feet, including your toes. Precisely and gently correcting misalignments may be necessary for the issue to completely resolve.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Nerve Impingement in the Neck

  Our shoulders, arms, and hands have sensory nerves that originate in the neck. These nerves exit the spine and pass through openings, called foramen, between the vertebrae on each side, then travel down through the shoulder and upper extremity all the way to the hand.
Numbness, tingling, pain, altered sensation (hypoesthesia, which is a decrease of normal sensation, or hyperesthesia, abnormally heightened or pronounced, sensations) are signs that the nerves originating in the neck are experiencing interference, or impingement.
Impingement of nerves may to due to physical encroachment such as  pressure, abrasion, or stretching, and can be caused by abnormal misalignments of cervical vertebrae or by degenerative changes in spinal structures.
When patients present in my office with these problems, an appropriate course of conservative Activator Chiropractic care, including gentle, precise, directional adjustments with the Activator instrument, ergonomic and postural counseling, prescribed stretches and exercises, and sometimes application of gentle traction, is often the solution.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Post-Traumatic Headache

 Headache following some kind if trauma, such as whiplash or a blow to the head, has a special classification as post-traumatic. 
Diagnostic codes are unique for this type of headache, and distinguish it from other headaches, such as migraines, tension headaches, sinus headaches, etc.
A post-traumatic headache may require a more extensive course of treatment. Your doctor’s use of the pertinent diagnostic codes alerts insurance companies and auxiliary caregivers, and are important to justify additional care that may be needed by the patient.

Monday, February 17, 2020

What is An Activator Chiropractor?

   Distinctions between Chiropractors who use an Activator instrument and Chiropractors who are trained and Certified in Activator Method protocols are often not clearly understood.
Any Chiropractor can purchase an Activator instrument----so if you were to call 50 Chiropractic offices today and ask if the doctor uses Activator, they would tell you, “Yes.”
This does not mean, however, that the doctor is trained in Activator Chiropractic Technique, a research-backed, carefully developed and tested, specifically designed protocol for restoring normal balance to the entire body.
Qualified Activator Chiropractors are highly trained, required to complete courses of study in the protocol, and must pass written and practical exams in order to obtain Certification. They must complete an annual Continuing Education course in Activator Chiropractic Method to maintain their Certification. 
All Certified Activator doctors are listed on the website  A doctor not listed here either does not have proper Activator training to become Certified, or has discontinued keeping up with their training and allowed their Certification to lapse.

Monday, February 10, 2020

What is Pelvic Complexity, & Why Should You Care?

  Patients with pelvic disequilibrium often exhibit nuances in the various articulations of their pelvic girdle. The pelvis is a multi-jointed, weight-bearing, essential foundation for the spine, and is integrally related to the status of the body above and below. 
Imbalances in the pelvis not only cause pain, but frequently result in one of the patient’s legs being shorter than the other. When this happens, it is a functional short leg, not an actual short leg. Correcting the imbalances brings the legs back to even.
Trouble-making pelvic imbalances are often quite complex, consisting not just of inferior /superior components, but also having internal or external rotational, or medial / lateral components to the aberrant pelvic pattern.
As an Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Chiropractor, I am trained to precisely assess and correct the complex components of pelvic aberrance, reintroduce balance, relieve discomfort, even the legs, and restore normal functioning.