Monday, February 17, 2020

What is An Activator Chiropractor?

   Distinctions between Chiropractors who use an Activator instrument and Chiropractors who are trained and Certified in Activator Method protocols are often not clearly understood.
Any Chiropractor can purchase an Activator instrument----so if you were to call 50 Chiropractic offices today and ask if the doctor uses Activator, they would tell you, “Yes.”
This does not mean, however, that the doctor is trained in Activator Chiropractic Technique, a research-backed, carefully developed and tested, specifically designed protocol for restoring normal balance to the entire body.
Qualified Activator Chiropractors are highly trained, required to complete courses of study in the protocol, and must pass written and practical exams in order to obtain Certification. They must complete an annual Continuing Education course in Activator Chiropractic Method to maintain their Certification. 
All Certified Activator doctors are listed on the website  A doctor not listed here either does not have proper Activator training to become Certified, or has discontinued keeping up with their training and allowed their Certification to lapse.