Plants absorb carbon and put it back into the soil.
“All the farmers of the world can contribute to mitigate climate change.” Soil organic carbon “is our bank, it is our fertility, it is the source of everything that we have and what we have to build.”
The 4p1000 Initiative is an international climate agreement that puts agriculture and agroforestry at the center of how we deal with climate change.
It "calls for countries to draw down more carbon than they emit, and to store it in the soil. How? By scaling up regenerative farming, grazing and land-use practices. These practices lead to an increase in photosynthesis—nature’s own system for pulling excess carbon out of the air and sequestering it in the soil. They also produce more drought-resistant and resilient crops, and more nutrient-dense food."
Watch this video about restoring and using HEALTHY SOIL for healthy people and a healthy environment: