Monday, December 26, 2016

Is My Foot Feeling Numb Due to a Disc in My Spine?

Possibly. But an injured or degenerated spinal disc is just one of several prime suspects that can result in numbness in the foot or feet. Irritation of the sciatic nerve in your buttock, often caused by too much sitting or sitting on hard surfaces, is also on the list. There can also be local impingement of nerves in the lower extremity, and diabetes is also a suspect. Questions about your health history, your daily activities, your injuries, and an exam will help your doctor narrow down the list. Then further diagnostic tests, if needed, can be done to confirm.   

Monday, December 19, 2016

Yes, “The Knee Bone’s Connected to the........”

The two bones in the lower leg between the knee and the ankle are the tibia and the fibula. The tibia, larger and heavier, is the primary weight bearer of the two. The fibula, smaller, lies alongside the tibia on the lateral side of the lower leg, and is joined to the tibia at top and bottom by ligaments. Between them is the interosseous membrane. An injury to either bone or to their connecting tissues may affect the efficient working of the biomechanics of the lower extremity. The patella, or kneecap, glides in a groove on the upper front of the tibia. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Five Reasons Why LOCAL Food = BEST Food

When we get our food from local sources, it is FRESHER, with its highest NUTRITIONAL value, and likely to be closer to PEAK FLAVOR.  Instead of being transported from distant sources, local food is kinder to the ENVIRONMENT, using less resources to deliver, and creating less pollution. It also supports the LOCAL ECONOMY and the livelihood of local farmers.   

Monday, December 5, 2016

Surprising Secrets About Palm Oil

Have you noticed Palm Oil appearing in our supermarkets & food stores? Perhaps you've noticed it being touted as new & improved, healthy, and budget friendly? Hmmm.......truth is, Palm Oil is highly processed (extracted and treated with heat and / or chemicals). If solvents are used in extraction, the oil may contain chemical residues. Although it is low in unsaturated fatty acids & thus  less prone to oxidation, its oxidized portions are highly inflammatory in the body. Worst of all, it is very environmentally costly. In Indonesia, 1,000s of acres of forests are being clear cut and burned to plant palms for production of palm oil, creating pollution, reducing forests' carbon sequestration, and destroying native rain forest habitats. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

VITAMIN K2---Essential For Our Bones

Vitamin K has long been understood to be associated with the ability of blood to clot, but we now know there is a special form of Vitamin K which is essential for healthy bone density. The K associated with blood clotting is now called Vitamin K1, while Vitamin K2 is the kind needed for bone health.

Many of us have been supplementing absorbable forms of calcium, in combination with magnesium, to help keep our bones strong. However, research shows that unless we also have Vitamin K2, calcium may not be targeted into our bones, but instead may end up in our arteries, where it isn’t needed, and causes trouble, including arterial plaques and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin K2 isn’t that easy to get in our diet. Curd cheeses provide some, but only small amounts. A Japanese food product called natto is rich in K2, but is unpalatable to most Americans.

Supplementing with K2, preferably the MK7 form, which is from natural food sources, usually natto, is a good solution. The MK4 form is synthetic.

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Traction Effect of An Orthopedic Pillow

Gentle traction is often part of the treatment plan for neck problems and pain. It can be very helpful after injury, or when there are degenerative changes occurring in the cervical discs.
A good orthopedically-designed pillow will have a gentle tractioning effect on the neck, assist chiropractic adjustments to hold, relieve pain, and help with healing. In my office, patients are shown how to properly use the orthopedic pillows I provide, to get maximum benefits from their support. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

MEDICARE---What is "Maintenance Care" and Why Won't Medicare Pay For It?

     Medicare guidelines state that they will only pay for chiropractic treatment that is Medically Reasonable or Necessary (defined as treatment that yields a significant improvement in clinical findings and patient functionality)
     To you, and in the clinical judgement of your chiropractor, your treatment may be CLINICALLY APPROPRIATE:  it may enhance your life, relieve your symptoms, support your health and well-being, or prevent the deterioration of a chronic condition. 
     But treatment that is CLINICALLY APPROPRIATE may not fit Medicare’s definition of MEDICALLY NECESSARY. Your chiropractor, by law. must inform Medicare when your care is maintenance care, so that Medicare understands that this care is not reimbursable, and you will be responsible for payment.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Do You Need a Heel Lift?

Sometimes patients come to me who have been told by another caregiver that they need to wear a heel lift in one shoe. Careful assessment often shows that the patient does, in fact, have one leg shorter than the other, but the difference is not anatomical, but functional.
Anatomical leg length difference is when one leg is actually physically shorter. This may be due  to a previously healed fracture in the leg, or it may be congenital. Wearing a heel lift in this case can be the right thing to do. The lift should be prescribed and designed specifically for the patient by a qualified practitioner.
Functional leg length difference is due to distortions or imbalances in the person’s frame---the entirety of the bones and joints of their body. Once the distortions or imbalances have been corrected, which is exactly what I do, the legs will even. In this case, wearing a heel lift is a bad idea. It is only worsening the problem.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Numbness or Tingling in the Arm or Hand

      Nerve impingement of the brachial plexus, the nerves which exit the spine in the neck, can cause numbness or tingling in the arm and / or hand.
     If the alteration of sensation is diffuse throughout the upper extremity, all or most of the nerves in the brachial plexus may be affected, sometimes due to impingement between the clavicle and the first rib, or in passage between the scalene muscles at the sides of the neck. 
     However, if only parts of the arm or hand are affected, it may be possible to pinpoint the specific spinal nerves that are being impinged. This can guide the chiropractic adjustment which can help alleviate the problem.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Why NOT to Bake With Most Nut "Flours"

 It has become popular to bake cookies, cakes, etc. with almond “flour” or other nut “flours,” particularly in the Paleo community, which advocates avoiding grains. With the exception of coconut flour, which does not readily oxidize, using nut flours for baking is hazardous, because all nuts contain unsaturated oils. These oils readily oxidize at room temperature when nuts are ground into flour.
Oxidized oils (monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils take on oxygen across their carbon-carbon double bonds) are highly inflammatory and very unhealthy.
When dough is made by grinding nuts into flour in a cookie, etc., recipe, and baking it, the heat of the oven accelerates oxidation of these oils.
What can you do if you don’t want to use grain flours for baking?
All nuts contain some combination of saturated, MONOunsaturated, and POLYunsaturated oils. Baking with coconut flour, which contains almost 100% saturated oil, is safest, because saturated oils will not oxidize. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

What's Medicare Done For You Lately?

If you have a question, you can call Medicare (1-800-MEDICARE), and you will reach an actual person, who will answer your questions with patience and courtesy.

Your annual deductible is just $166.00!

        When Medicare receives your Doctor's Statement for your chiropractic care, they process it first, then they automatically send it on to your supplemental insurance for that part of processing. You don't have to do a thing!  

Medicare covers chiropractic care, but currently, only for treatment to the spine. It doesn’t cover extremities, exams, or adjunct therapies. Yet. But we’re (your chiropractors) working on it.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Agroforestry---An Ancient Science

 Agroforestry - growing crops or pasturing food animals near or among  trees - has lots of advantages. Trees give protection from wind, help hold soil in place, help reduce runoff water loss, and their roots help enrich the soil with microorganisms. Deep tree roots capture leached nutrients. Tree leaf litter decays & enriches the soil. Trees offer habitat for birds & other natural predators of food crop insect pests, thus reducing the need for artificial insect control. Agroforestry has been used for centuries in many countries around the world. One source of more information:  

Monday, October 3, 2016

Jaw Pain That Just Won't Go Away

Persistent pain in the region of the TMJ (temperomandibular joint) that isn’t resolved by treatment focused on the joint itself may actually be due to aberrance of the temporal cranial rhythm. I see this fairly frequently in my practice. Balancing the temporal rhythm will often bring relief.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Spinal Stenosis

Photo by E. Quinn: Yosemite High Country from trail to May Lake High Sierra Camp

Spinal Stenosis

An abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal is called spinal stenosis, and it may result in impingement or pressure on the spinal cord. Often it develops with advanced age, and can cause constant pain or paresthesias in the legs or feet, arms or hands. Although is can occur anywhere in the spine, a common site of spinal stenosis is in the lower lumbar or sacral area of the spinal canal.
Stenosis, or narrowing of the passageway of a nerve or nerves, can also occur elsewhere, such as in the neural foramen, where the spinal nerves come off the spinal cord and exit the spine through openings on either side of the vertebrae.   
Sometimes careful, gentle, precise chiropractic adjustments can help relieve the symptoms, but in more severe or advanced cases, chiropractic usually is not an effective solution. Sometimes surgery can be done to enlarge the narrowed passageway and relieve the impingement.