Monday, May 17, 2021

Gardening With Native Plants to Attract Birds

Have you ever considered that garden plants native to your area have advantages for birds and for you as well?

A landscape of drought-tolerant natives will use less water in your garden, can be more resistant to native pests, and natives provide food suited for area birds.

Find out why “yards with non-native plants create ‘food deserts’ for bugs and birds,” find the best plants for your area, and learn how to create your native plant garden at:

Monday, May 10, 2021

"Craning the Neck"

Have you ever heard the expression, “don’t crane your neck?” It’s really good advice---”craning,” or straining, the neck, such as to better see a computer screen, or when accommodating to bifocal lenses, sets one up for neck pain and headaches.

These postures cause abnormal cervical stresses, and one of the common results is a superior misalignment of the posterior arch of the 2nd cervical vertebra, C2.

In my practice, about 80% of my headache patients have this misalignment.

It is corrected by precise, gentle adjustment with the Activator instrument.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Got Cranial Rhythms?

    We all do. 

The bones in our head have very subtle, normal, rhythmical, motions. 

These motions are not synchronized with our heartbeat or breath. They are characteristic to the cranium, and are thought to be related to the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord. 

Abnormalities in the rhythms can be associated with headaches or vertigo, or just feeling "out of sorts." 

I find that balancing the cranial rhythms often relieves a patient’s headaches, and can be effective for vertigo as well. 

Balancing patients' cranial rhythms is part of my focus on overall, full-body balancing.

Monday, April 26, 2021

More "Bang" for Your Exercise "Buck"

An exercise routine can be great, but if performed when the body is in dis-equalibrium, aka a state of imbalance, it will not be maximally effective.

For example, strengthening the muscles that support the low back, including the abdominals, is an essential part of relieving low back pain, protecting the low back and keeping it healthy.  However, when your underlying framework---the bones and joints of your pelvis and spine---is skewed, or out of alignment, your exercises won’t work, or hold, as well.

I can help; as an Advanced Proficiency Activator Chiropractor, my focus is on restoring balance and equilibrium to your body, which supports & enhances your exercise regimen.

Monday, April 19, 2021


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common and uncomfortable condition caused by dysfunction of the circular muscle (sphincter) at the lower end of the esophagus.

This allows stomach acid to seep back up into the lower esophagus, resulting in irritation, inflammation, and burning pain (“heartburn”). 

It is important for this condition to be addressed by a medical doctor, because chronic, untreated GERD can lead to more serious consequences.

In the meantime, I have an adjustment, done with the Activator instrument, that often brings temporary relief.