Monday, April 23, 2018

Rotator Cuff

  Patients are sometimes confused about this, and wrongly think of it as part of their bones. 
But the rotator cuff consists of four MUSCLES that attach from the front, back, and side of the shoulder blade, and grip the head of the humerus (the bone in the upper arm) like a hand would grip a baseball.
These muscles stabilize the humeral head, or “knob” at the upper end of the bone, near the shoulder. They also act on the humerus to cause different movements, such as when we lift our arm out and up (abduction), turn our arm in (internal rotation) or out (external rotation).
The tendons attaching these muscles to bones act as mechanical “blockers” to excessive movements, helping to keep movements of the arm at the shoulder within normal range.
If the arm is taken beyond these normal limits of movement, tears in the tendons or muscles of the rotator cuff often happen.

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Lateral Sacrum

 Sometimes when everything---all misalignments and fixations---has been cleared,  and abnormal stresses have been detected, adjusted, and the pelvis balanced back to equilibrium. there is still discomfort in the sacrum or sacroiliac joint(s).
In this case, I have the patient, who is lying face down, lift each leg, without bending the knee, as high off the table as they comfortably can.
99.9% of the time, if one leg is harder to lift, or can’t be lifted as high, the sacrum is stressed laterally on that side.
A precise, directional adjustment with the Activator instrument fixes the problem and brings relief. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Magnificent Magnesium

 One of the most abundant minerals in the body, magnesium is involved in a multitude of essential biochemical processes. 
It is important for the heart, brain, function of the mitochondria (tiny energy producing centers in our cells), cell health & function, metabolism of other essential minerals, regulation of blood sugar, muscle & nerve function, secretion of neurotransmitters, and blood pressure. 
An RBC (red blood cell) magnesium test measures your magnesium level.
Some common signs of magnesium deficiency include muscle spasms (such as “charley horses” in the calf muscles), eye twitches, numbness or tingling in the extremities, frequent headaches or migraines, heart arrhythmias, low energy, and fatigue.
Some foods high in magnesium are avocados, raw cacao, and seeds and nuts (pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower are highest). Herbs & spices---chives, parsley, mustard seeds, fennel, basil, cloves, and cumin seeds---are another good source.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Hyperextension of the Knee

Extension of the knee beyond its normal limit is a common cause of knee pain. Patients may be aware of what happened if it occurred during sports activities, a misstep, or a workout, but other causes of hyperextension may not be so obvious to them. 
For example, one common troublemaker is resting one’s foot up on an ottoman while sitting, resulting in extension stress at the knee.
Activator Chiropractic adjustments can correct the problem quickly and precisely, and bring relief. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Functional Impairment

     How is your condition affecting your ability to function in your life activities? 
     This is now the standard criterion used to determine a course of care, and how long that care will be covered by health insurance. 
     Doctors, Physical Therapists, and other caregivers are expected to measure patient status and effectiveness of their treatment plan by “Outcome Measures”----tools that reflect how well the patient is returning to normal life functioning.