Showing posts with label Connective Tissue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connective Tissue. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2021

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Pain in the outer side of the knee or hip can be caused by friction against the knee / leg / hip by a thick band of connective tissue alongside the thigh called the Iliotibial Band (ITB).

This is common in runners, weight lifters, and activities at the gym, etc., that involve repetitive bending of the knee with resistance. The ITB becomes excessively tight with repetitive use, which exacerbates the friction.

I address this by adjusting the hip, the knee, and releasing tension in the ITB with the Activator instrument. It is important for the patient to stretch before and after workouts, if running to stay on level surfaces, and to wear supportive shoes.

A distorted pelvis can contribute to this condition, so it is important for the patient to check in with me periodically for pelvic balancing.