Monday, February 17, 2020

What is An Activator Chiropractor?

   Distinctions between Chiropractors who use an Activator instrument and Chiropractors who are trained and Certified in Activator Method protocols are often not clearly understood.
Any Chiropractor can purchase an Activator instrument----so if you were to call 50 Chiropractic offices today and ask if the doctor uses Activator, they would tell you, “Yes.”
This does not mean, however, that the doctor is trained in Activator Chiropractic Technique, a research-backed, carefully developed and tested, specifically designed protocol for restoring normal balance to the entire body.
Qualified Activator Chiropractors are highly trained, required to complete courses of study in the protocol, and must pass written and practical exams in order to obtain Certification. They must complete an annual Continuing Education course in Activator Chiropractic Method to maintain their Certification. 
All Certified Activator doctors are listed on the website  A doctor not listed here either does not have proper Activator training to become Certified, or has discontinued keeping up with their training and allowed their Certification to lapse.

Monday, February 10, 2020

What is Pelvic Complexity, & Why Should You Care?

  Patients with pelvic disequilibrium often exhibit nuances in the various articulations of their pelvic girdle. The pelvis is a multi-jointed, weight-bearing, essential foundation for the spine, and is integrally related to the status of the body above and below. 
Imbalances in the pelvis not only cause pain, but frequently result in one of the patient’s legs being shorter than the other. When this happens, it is a functional short leg, not an actual short leg. Correcting the imbalances brings the legs back to even.
Trouble-making pelvic imbalances are often quite complex, consisting not just of inferior /superior components, but also having internal or external rotational, or medial / lateral components to the aberrant pelvic pattern.
As an Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Chiropractor, I am trained to precisely assess and correct the complex components of pelvic aberrance, reintroduce balance, relieve discomfort, even the legs, and restore normal functioning.    

Monday, February 3, 2020

Medicare and Chiropractic

  Medicare covers chiropractic, but only treatment to one or more regions of the spine. So, if you have a knee problem, for example, you must pay your chiropractor "out of pocket" for helping you with your knee.
The Chiropractic profession is diligently and consistently working to have Medicare cover Chiropractic care for the entire human frame, all the bones and joints. We hope this will happen soon.
Activator Chiropractic care is excellent support for seniors’ health, wellness, vitality, and function. Low-force and gentle, precise and specific, Activator Chiropractic is comfortable and effective.
As an Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Chiropractor, I welcome Medicare patients in my practice, and am happy to be of service to seniors. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Status of the Feet Affects the Whole Body

  What’s happening at our feet is integrally related to the state of our entire frame---our skeleton, our bones, our joints---to its overall equilibrium or disequilibrium.
For example, people who have fallen arches or who pronate need to support their feet with orthotics, not just for comfort, but also because these conditions in the feet reverberate up into the knees, hips, and pelvis and cause problems. 
Some may need prescription orthotics, but many people will find over-the-counter orthotics can do the job.
When the inside of your foot drops inward toward the floor when you’re standing, it’s called “pronation,” and is often seen in combination with fallen arches, or “flat feet.” This often creates abnormal stress on the Achilles tendon, causing a visible and abnormal inward curving. You can see this by standing behind someone who pronates and looking at the backs of their ankles. 
Pronation can cause foot pain and fatigue, but it also negatively affects the knees, and can reverberate upward to cause abnormal stresses in the hips and pelvis.
These abnormal stresses cause wear and tear that can lead to instability, pain, impairment of function, and eventually to osteoarthritis.
     Abnormalities at the feet should be properly addressed. My treatment plan includes precise assessment of feet, ankles, knees, hips, and pelvic joints and gentle, precise corrections with the  Activator instrument,.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Five "Secrets" About Fender Benders

1.  Despite insurance companies’ using it as the main criterion, the visual damage to your car is not necessarily an indicator of the consequences of the collision on your body.
2.  Feeling confused, "fuzzy," disoriented, and irritable often follows even a minor collision.
3. Symptoms may have delayed onset; you may "feel fine" for the first few days, or even longer. Be cautious about signing off on an insurance claim too soon; give yourself time for any consequences to your body to show up.
4. The sooner you receive proper care, the sooner you will recover. I encourage patients to come in as soon as possible after (an even minor) collision, to get their entire body checked & balanced, to better their chances for a speedy recovery.
5.  If you don't have Medpay on your auto policy, get it. If you have it, and you're in an accident, your own insurance will cover your care, so you or your doctor won't have to wait for the other party's insurance to pay. It's insurance that's reasonably priced and really worthwhile.