Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Inversion and Eversion Ankle Sprains

Turning your ankle inward is the most common kind of ankle sprain, called an "inversion" sprain. Less common is turning the ankle the other way, outward, called an "eversion" sprain. Both types cause characteristic misalignments of the joints in the foot and ankle, and may affect the knee and pelvis as well. As an ACTIVATOR chiropractor, I check and correct all this very precisely & comfortably.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Butterflies Need Our Help
The Monarch butterflies are in decline, partly due to loss of habitat and food sources. Did you know that their caterpillars must have milkweed plants for food? Many people across the U.S. are helping the Monarchs by planting native milkweed. The Xerces Society is a source of information and support.
Here's where to get milkweed seeds to plant (scroll down to "Seed Sources"):

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

That Pesky Psoas.....

If your pelvis tends to chronically get twisted, or distorted, your psoas, a major postural muscle, could be involved. I always check for asymmetrical tension in the psoas, make an Activator adjustment to balance that tension, and show you stretches to help keep this from happening again.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mysterious Pain

"But I didn't DO anything," the patient says, "I can't figure out why I'm hurting." Trying to pinpoint any one particular thing as a cause of discomfort may not always work. Think of it this way: your body may have been "teetering on the brink," even though you weren't feeling it, and then a simple thing like bending over to pick up something sets off pain. It's my job to help restore balance in your body, relieve the pain, and help you return to pain-free functioning. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Hand pain or numbness may be due to impingement of the median nerve in the wrist, which is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, often due to overuse or repetitive motions. As an ACTIVATOR chiropractor, I have an effective treatment plan for it, including specific adjustments.