Monday, February 15, 2021

Protection From Blue Light

The blue light from computer screens, TVs, & cell phones causes eye fatigue, and is often a source of headaches and sleep disturbances.

The best solution I have found for this is BPA-free plastic glasses from Northland Outpost whose orange lenses block 95% of blue light. These are comfortable worn alone, and they also fit easily over my corrective lenses for watching TV.

These glasses, available on Amazon,

are very lightweight and reasonably priced. Since I’ve been using them my eye fatigue, especially from computer use, is significantly reduced.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Ouch! At The Elbow

You’re chopping vegetables, making a salad, brushing your hair, stacking kindling for the fireplace, hammering a nail---any of a multitude of actions that involve bending your hand backwards at your wrist---and you notice pain at your elbow.

What’s going on?

The muscles that bend your band backward at your wrist connect to the bone in your elbow. The tendon that attaches these muscles, called the “wrist extensors,” at the elbow can become irritated & inflammed, often due to overuse.

The result is that every time you activate your wrist extensor muscles when using your hand, there is a pull on the inflammed tendon at your elbow, and it hurts. 

What’s the solution? 

This situation can be very persistent of not treated. My protocol includes precise, gentle adjustments of the forearm and wrist with the Activator instrument, protection of the irritated tendon by use of a compressing band, anti-inflammatories including ice and topical arnica, and soft tissue therapy to the involved muscles.

Monday, February 1, 2021

New Medicare Deductible

We have cycled into a new “year” with Medicare, and there is a new annual deductible that must be met before reimbursement will kick in.

The 2020 deductible, $198, has increased to $203 for 2021. 

Compared to typical private health insurance deductibles, Medicare continues to be fair and reasonable, in my opinion, and Medicare continues to cover Chiropractic care for the spine. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Regenerative Agriculture


Just transitioning 10 percent of agricultural production to best practice regenerative systems will sequester enough CO2 to reverse climate change 
and restore the global climate.” 

Regenerative Agriculture uses farming and grazing methods that rebuild the soil’s organic matter, restore soil biodiversity (organisms and microorganisms), sequester more carbon in soil, and increase the amount of water the soil can hold.
It’s done by:
---disturbing the soil as little as possible; aka “no-till” farming. No plowing, which disturbs healthy soil fungi & microorganisms & increases erosion,
---cover crops, composting, & crop rotations to feed nutrients into soil,
---managed grazing to stimulate plant growth & increase soil fertility. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Neurovascular Compromise

 A common example of neuromuscular compromise is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS), when the nerves and / or blood vessels (brachial plexus) coming from the neck and going down the arm are subjected to pressure or abrasion (impingement) that compromises their normal function. 

Symptoms include numbness & tingling, reduced or altered sensation, or pain in the arm or hand.

Causes can be impingement between the scalenes (vertical muscles on the sides of the neck), between the clavicle & 1st rib, or a posterior distal clavicle (result of a direct frontal blow). Sometimes this is a sequela of whiplash injury; or chronic stress & tension affecting the neck, including postural stress; or from repetitive motion / overuse syndrome.  

I have precise, gentle adjustments to relieve the impingement, and give the patient stretches, exercises, and ergonomic counseling.