Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Think of your bones & joints as your FRAMEWORK---the essential supports that the rest of your body attaches to, is contained by, and depends on. When that framework is distorted or skewed, or some joints are "stuck," affecting movement, your body is out of balance. You may feel tension or pain. My specialty is full-body balancing, of your framework, to restore full & comfortable functioning.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Toes to Nose"

Got an ache over here and a twinge over there? 
Get it all addressed in one appointment in my office.
As an Advanced Proficiency ACTIVATOR Chiropractor, 
I balance your body "From Toes to Nose."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Functional Short Leg

"Functional" Short Leg
Low back pain may signal distortion in your pelvis and / or disturbances in your lumbar spine. Often this causes one leg to get shorter than the other. With ACTIVATOR chiropractic, I make precise, specific, and comfortable corrections that relieve your pain and even your leg lengths.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A fall, a twisted ankle, waking up with a neck ache after sleeping in a stressed position----any kind of injury should be checked and addressed as soon as possible. The quicker my patients come in to get adjusted, the quicker they heal and can go comfortably about their lives.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Vitamins:  What's the REAL "Scoop?"

Taking a closer look at recent media claims that vitamins have no benefit and aren't worth spending money on, we find many flaws in the studies used to make these claims. Santa Cruz holistic physician Dr. Randy Baker explains why: