Wednesday, June 19, 2013

5 Things to Know About Fender Benders
1. The visual damage to your car is not necessarily an indicator of the impact on your body.
2. Feeling confused, "fuzzy," disoriented, and irritable often follow.
3. Symptoms may have delayed onset; you may "feel fine" for the first few days, or even longer.
4. The sooner you come in to see me and get your whole body checked & balanced, the better, and your chances for a speedy recovery are improved.
5. If you don't have Medpay on your auto policy, get it. If you have it, and you're in an accident, your own insurance will cover your care, so you or your doctor won't have to wait for the other party's insurance to pay. It's insurance that's really worthwhile.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Growth Spurts  Teens and pre-teens, as parents know, undergo growth spurts. These "fast growth" periods put special kinds of stresses on the joints, posture, and overall functioning of the young person. Careful, complete full-body balancing is an essential part of preventive care during these times. As an Advanced Proficiency Rated ACTIVATOR chiropractor, I often treat teens & pre-teens.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Secret to Managing Sciatica   Sciatica, pain down the leg, is caused by nerve impingement. But it may not be what you think. Commonly, it may be assumed to be due to a herniated disc or other problem in the spine. However, it can be caused by irritation or tight muscles in the gluteal region---the part you sit on. Sitting too long on a hard surface can irritate the sciatic nerve, and chronically tight gluteal muscles can also be the problem. The solutions may be relatively simple. I can help.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Pelvic Distortion"----Is That a Rock Band?  Actually, no, although it may sound like it. Pelvic distortion is a very real, fairly common condition of the pelvis that causes, among other problems, a person to have one leg shorter than the other. It also creates a tilted pelvis, making an unstable foundation for the rest of the body above. Don't go through life with a pelvic condition that may sound like a rock band; come see me; I will adjust and balance your pelvis with low-force, comfortable ACTIVATOR chiropractic.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bunions  Bunions happen because the body is responding to abnormal stresses in the foot. A fallen arch, especially if combined with pronation of the foot (bending inward of the inside of the foot), can cause a bunion to develop at the joint at the base of the big toe. As an ACTIVATOR chiropractor, I check the status of the arch, assess for pronation, check & adjust all the joints of the foot, then advise the patient about orthotics, exercises, and how to relieve the stresses that caused the bunion. Prescription orthotics may be needed, but patients can start with a good over-the-counter orthotic, properly fitted.